Conferences 20/11/2024

Prof. Laura Flamand discusses resilient Health System Reforms at HSR 2024

The session explored the political complexities of health reform implementation, offering diverse perspectives and actionable insights

Prof. Laura Flamand participated in the Satellite Session “Objective-Oriented Health Systems Reform: There Are No Shortcuts to the Top of the Palm Tree” at the 8th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR) conference in Nagasaki, Japan on November 18. Prof. Flamand was joined by Wangari Ng’ang’a, Mercy Mwangangi, Abril Campos and Michael Reich on the panel discussion “How to Make Objective-Oriented Health Systems Reform Politically Resilient“, moderated by Cheryl Cashin.

While the objective-orientation of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is often discussed, there continues to be a perception that UHC is something to be implemented, rather than something to be achieved. This full-day session featured discussions by academics, policymakers, and technical experts on what the objective-orientation means, evidence and insights from countries from Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and the importance of context and politics in the reform process.

The session explored the political complexities of health reform implementation, offering diverse perspectives and actionable insights. Key reflections from the panel included the importance of fostering collaboration between technocrats and politicians by finding common ground and developing a shared language for policy communication. Panelists highlighted the value of cultivating political analysis skills among policymakers and identifying evidence that aligns with political priorities to drive reform. The discussion also addressed the inevitable trade-offs that arise during reform implementation, emphasizing the need for strategic planning to balance competing priorities while advancing sustainable health system goals.